CEA 2022:Scouting for Innovations

The last complicated years have shown us that in many areas it is no longer possible to continue in the old way. How to proceed to be successful? We are convinced that we need innovation.
For quite a few years now, traditional companies are not the only ones competing in the market. New startups have emerged, offering new solutions, a better experience, less paperwork and more digitization to users, using cutting-edge technologies such as AI, blockchain and augmented reality. These startups continue to grow in terms of investment, users, services and markets. These scale-ups and well-established innovators are open to experimenting with new things to bring innovation to the customers.
Sept 21 2022
Rooms Hotel, Tbilisi, Georgia
For example, in Estonia there are 1301 startups, with 121 new startups created so far in 2021 and 2022 and 10 unicorns founded by Estonians and/or in Estonia have taken the country to Europe’s (and probably the world’s – depending on methodology for counting) top in the number of unicorns per capita.
The innovation scouting process helps companies to define their future strategy by searching the market for current trends.
Scouting is the process of gathering information about a business sector, area or revenue stream, looking for specific external solutions that respond to the internal needs of an organization.
The Creative Entrepreneurship Academy „Scouting for Innovation“ addresses the ways how to find new ways of working with the help of international, Estonian and Georgian experts and shows the role of creatives in finding innovation.