Hack the Heritage: Namibia

This 2 day (TeamLab + BootCamp) workshop for creating and developing heritage-inspired ideas, that have commercial potential will help you to learn how to:
- Generate and develop practical ideas
- Form a team around an idea
- Develop a viable business model
- Present your idea, to seek investment or support
Participants are welcome to join with early-stage product or service ideas that are inspired by Namibia’s heritage or to come without an idea to join a team on the spot!
Format description & agenda
Day 1: TeamLab
Date: 31.10.2023
Time: 9:00-17:00
Introduction of Day 1: TeamLab by moderator Toomas Roolaid
Introduction of the format, the aim of the process, mentors, and prizes.
Introduction of the daily schedule and practical aspects of work
I Motivational presentations by Ave Matsin & Juko-Mart Kõlar
Ave Matsin: “How cultural heritage leading us to the new business ideas”
Juko-Mart Kõlar: “Digitalisation takes culture to the start-up business”
Exercise and time for Idea creation.
II Ideas evaluation round by Harald Lepisk
Idea pitching: short (max 3 min) pitch by authors of all ideas
Creation of the teams: open room method
Work in teams: first stage of idea development with the assistance of mentors.
12:00-13:00 Lunch break
III Business Model canvas introduction by Juko-Mart Kõlar
Development of the business model
IV Conclusion of the day
Review of the progress of the teams & lessons learnt from Day I: TeamLab
Day 2: BootCamp
Date: 1.11.2023
Time: 9:00-16:00
Introduction of Day 2: BootCamp by moderator Toomas Roolaid
Since participants of the BootCamp are the same teams from Day 1: TeamLab, the moderator shortly reminds them of the format, aim of the process, mentors, and prizes.
Introduction of the schedule and practical aspects of work on Day 2.
I Efficient teamwork as the base of the successful business by Juko-Mart Kõlar
Input and discussion on how to delegate the job and share roles in the start-up team.
II Dare to connect – every person you meet is an opportunity to learn by Harald Lepisk
Input and discussion on how to build relations and make people interested.
III Public speaking training by Ragnar Siil
Training how to get ready for pitching & how to present the teamwork
Time for the teams to prepare the pitch and make slides for the presentation
IV Final presentations and Q&A by the Jury of the Mentors
Short presentation from each team, followed panel discussion, including questions to the presenting team by the jury of mentors.
V Conclusion of the day by Moderator
Summary of the whole process
Announcement of the winning team by the Jury. Awards
Add. #1: Technical arrangement for the workshop
Trainers & Mentors

Hack the Heritage is organised by Creative Estonia and Namibia National Commission for UNESCO and funded by the Estonian Development Cooperation fund.