Creative Entrepreneurship Academy 2017: Designing Creative Ecosystems and Businesses.
Creative Estonia in cooperation with Creativity Lab and Creative Business Cup Georgia – local representative of the largest creative entrepreneurship competition in the world – are delighted to invite you to participate at the third edition of this international training course!
Who are invited?
If you are working to help creative entrepreneurs to realize their potential, this training course is for you. We invite policy-makers from the national, regional and local level, managers of creative hubs and clusters, representatives of cultural institutions and non-governmental organisations, creative industries development centers, incubators creative entrepreneurs, businesses and investors.
What will you get?
–Gain insight into creative sectors development in European countries and into cities role in developing regions;
–Gain insight into how to manage creative processes and innovation and how design thinking can be used as a tool to find solutions to the key challenges that nations, regions, cities and organisations are facing;
–Understand the importance of creative industries for innovation and growth and ways to create systems and methods to support the development of creative entrepreneurship;
–Understand how other industries can benefit from working with creatives in innovation processes and how to make these crossovers happen;
–Learn about creative entrepreneurship and its specifics;
–Understand the logic behind of getting your business started, importance of presenting your business model and how to speak to investors.
Who will speak?
The lecturers will include globally acclaimed experts, including Ragnar Siil (Key Expert on Cultural and Creative Sectors, EU-EaP Culture and Creativity programme), Jorma Sarv, (Head of the International Programme, Organising Committee of Estonia 100, Government Office of Estonia), Eva Leemet, (CEO, Creative Estonia), Yrjö Ojasaar (entrepreneur and investor, Startup Wise Guys).
Registration and cost
This international training course is free of charge but registration is needed. You can find registration
form by clicking here
We would appreciate if you share the invitation with your colleagues who could also be interested in participating in CEA 2017!
We are looking forward to boosting your expertise!