Creativity online Summit from 22 to 24th of May

The theme of the Creativity Summit is “Increase your productivity and profits without compromising your creative flow”. The Creativity Summit will be broadcast from Australia and streamed on 22-24 May. Register free now to join the Creativity Summit.
In the Creative Summit, you will learn:
• the true definitions of creativity
• how creativity can save your business
• business strategies to turn your creative flow into cashflow
• practical tools to increase productivity without compromising your creativity
It is time to debunk the creativity myth and reap the financial rewards using creativity.
10 experts will show you mental hacks, business strategies and practical tools,
so you can increase your productivity and profits without compromising your creative flow.
In the Creativity Summit, you will be shown:
Mental Hacks – uncover the myths of creativity. Redefine creativity, so you can be even more creative in every part of your life.
Practical Tools – to make you shine authentically, so you don’t need to sell your soul. Get expert tips to tame the money beast.
Business Strategies – shortcuts to cash! As Steve Jobs said, “Real artists ship.”
One of the speakers, David Parrish will discuss about these topics:
Creativity Defined (in two ways). There is artistic creativity (“a-Creativity”) and a broader kind of creativity (“i-Creativity”) we can call ingenuity or problem-solving. So the word ‘creativity’ is not just about being artistic, but about thinking differently, in all fields of human endeavour, including in business.
Creativity in the Studio – and in the Business Office. Artistically creative people working in the creative industries are amazingly creative in their studios, but when it comes to doing the business side of things, they are often much less creative. Raising finance, marketing, collaborations etc can all be done in a creative way. We can achieve greater success by being creative in the way we do business.
How to Increase Profits, without Selling Out. You can Create Your Own Business Formula. This combines your creative talents, plus your values and objectives, with a smart business approach. It takes into account your uniqueness: your competitive advantage. It also means dealing only with those customer who value your creative offering and are prepared to pay a proper price for it.
David has been invited to be a Creativity Summit speaker, to talk about “Creativity in the Studio – and in the Business Office”. Look it up here
Read more about other speakers and their topics here