Creativity will save the world – are we ready?

On August 29th Creative Estonia organised “Creativity Saves the World! Are we ready?”, a conference designed to exchange on the future role of the Cultural and Creative Industries.
Special guest, creative industries expert and cultural ambassador of London John Newbigin OBE gave an insightful presentation, talking about that the number of people in the creative industry is steadily growing and that culture is becoming key to making economies successful.
While in the traditional economy products have been valued, ideas are becoming ever more important. Take a look to his interactive guide about where creative industries are heading!
Investor an a visionary Yrjö Ojasaar explained, how do investors see creative industries and where you could go to ask for funding. There are certainly new trends in economy. He pointed out that production is going to be cheap in the world, close to zero – products can be obtained very cheaply. What does not change, however, are the stories and the design behind these things. A good story will help you sell higher priced products.
Finally local development centers discussed the problems around the development of creative industries in Estonia. The panel was moderated by international CI expert, Ragnar Siil.
The conference was supported by Enterprise Estonia from European Regional Development Fund and British Council.