Where is the door to knock to get funding for internationalisation?

On May 18th, Estonian cultural and creative entrepreneurs gathered to our Culture Hub to listen about different possibilities to go to international markets with their products.
Creative Estonia held a seminar “Where is the door to knock to get funding for internationalisation?”
Firstly, CEO of Creative Estonia, Ms Eva Leemet introduced the training program prepared by ICCI Project for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurs and their intermediaries on internationalisation. She suggested strongly to take the course and think through all the aspects before deciding. “Going abroad is not cheap, you will need some financial support”, she said.
Creative Estonia had invited a local major bank, two different crowdfunding platforms and an angel investor to explain, what are their requirements to finance a business.
Bur before that, a well-known public speaking trainer and an expert on creative industries, Mr Ragnar Siil explained the basics of pitching. “Most important – you have to know, why are you speaking and who is your audience. Only after that you can decide, what to say and how “, he pointed out.
Besides the banks, there are two major crowdfunding platforms in Estonia – Hooandja (like a local Kickstarter) and Fundwise (like a Stock Exchange for small businesses). The participants had to define which is more suitable for their company.
An angel investor, Mr Yrjö Ojasaar, gave useful tips how to get money from investors. “The team and its competencies is the most important to watch”, he stressed.
After fruitful discussions, Estonian design companies are better prepared and the global market is a little bit more open for their products.