Garage48 Wood 2 hackathon

Oh yes, the news we’ve been waiting for – Garage48 Wood hackathon is back!
For the 2nd time we are
inviting wood industry practitioners, industrial designers and architects, engineers, wood processing wizards and students from fields of wood, engineering, design, art and entrepreneurship to come together and hack your creativeness into wood.
What would you create out of wood in the public space? How to best showcase the practicality and beauty of wood on the streets, in public buildings, in the nature and all other places that are openly accessible for us all? These upcoming 48 hours are your perfect playground to try it out!
Garage48 Wood 2 is organized by Garage48, Tsenter – Puidutöötlemise ja mööblitootmise kompetentsikeskus and Vidzemes plānošanas reģions as a part of Wood & Furniture project in the Interreg Estonia – Latvia Programme. Our venue will be Cesis School of Technologies and Design with a fully equipped wood workshop and on-site mentors.
Designers, architects, joiners/technologists, constructors/engineers, wood industry practitioners from Estonia and Latvia, marketers/business developers and passionate project managers – come and build your ideas into wooden prototypes in 48 hours.
Early Woody tickets with 12€ are on sale until Nov 5th!