ICCI prpject started in Lyon

The ICCI Project, European funded initiative to support creative industries and business intermediaries to access international markets, has officially started.
The coordinator of the project Italian Chamber of Commerce of Lyon hosted representatives of organizations coming from Estonia (Creative Estonia), Germany (Gelsenkirchen Municipality), Hungary (KIKK), Italy (Materahub Industrie Culturali e Creative), Spain (FyG), Romania (PowerNet), UK (Creative Alliance).
The project is funded by Erasmus +, the program of European Commission promoting the development of education in Europe, and is focused on training creative and cultural industries’ operators (both entrepreneurs and business intermediaries) to get the skills and competences needed to internationalize their business or their cultural projects.
The initiative is unique and innovative in Europe since the sector is highly in need for a structured approach to enter global market.
The project will last two years and in this first phase will explore training needs of target groups and collect opinions from expert of internationalization and of the creative and cultural industries sector.
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