ICCI: Training materials for artists and cultural entrepreneurs

Are you an artist or a cultural entrepreneur who wish to promote tourism work in an international network?
Subscribe to this platform >> http://erasm.power.ro:5780 to get in contact with other artists / cultural organizations / creative companies / intermediary organizations and have free access to the learning material about the internationalization process.
The training materials were compiled in the result of pilot trainings held in Matera, Italy in the framework of ICCI project (International Cultural Creative Industries) which aims to train the Creative and Cultural Industries sector on how to internationalise its services and products, raise awareness on the need to integrate crucial skills for general management, internationalisation, export strategies in cultural and creative curricula and promote national and international CCIs networks and cluster,
The project is now reaching to the end. 24 months have passed and the result of the cooperation involving 8 European countries and over 500 artists, cultural operators and creative entrepreneurs interested in internationalization of their projects, products and organizations are in store for you like:
– making the products of the project available for a wider audience of creative entrepreneurs and intermediaries
– organizing online session of mentoring and training on the topic of internationalization
– planning a 2019 edition of the training!
Keep an eye on project´s social media as partners are organizing local workshops to promote the project and small pilots with local creative communities to further test the training program.
Camera di Commercio Italiana di Lione materahub FyG Consultores Loov Eesti Kreatív Ipari Klaszter Crea Tivealliance Power Net Consulting