‘Let’s go and Export Design’ – Study Visit Programme in Estonia

The second Study Visit Programme within the Export Design Project was held in Estonia between the dates of 8-12th of November 2021. Project staff of the Export Development association travelled to Tallinn, Estonia for the trip planned by Creative Estonia that envisaged 5 busy days loaded with diverse activities for both Georgian and Estonian beneficiaries searching for new business opportunities. Indeed, the programme enabled Georgian SMEs to take first steps in penetration of the European Union Market through Estonia and emerged collaboration opportunities among the Georgian and Estonian beneficiary companies.
The first two days of the programme were dedicated to the seminars and workshops by the representatives of Estonian Design shops as well as business consultants on the following topics of Characteristics of Estonian Market and Selection of the right European markets and the right customers. So, to say, “We did persona exercises… I think one of the best metaphors is that if you have a really good hook, your product, your business design idea, it’s like your child… And then the fish you want to catch is a buyer in a specific market and you look which kind of worms work for this specific market…” – Toomas Roolaid, Business Consultant.
Besides the design studios in Tallinn, the project team and beneficiaries travelled to Viljandi, where they got acquainted with local crafts and material production. They also visited Viljandi Culture Academy and workshops of the project beneficiary – Lisa Kroeber. Trip out of Tallinn provided beneficiaries further insight into Estonian crafts and design.
As a result of the networking, experience sharing and business negotiations within the Study visit programme, a basis for future collaboration between SMEs of two countries was created. Georgian companies – USULI and Kaleisi left their first pieces of design at the Estonian Design House among other Georgian SMEs – Saini and Funduki. While Chikatai has got the first order for their production! Thanks to the Project team, Estonian Design Studios and workshops for being amazing hosts!
Meanwhile, the project participants are elaborating on their Export Plans, the presentation of the results will take place back in Tallinn in December. Stay tuned for the news and as Founder of the Participant BSO – Anzelika Rieck said: ‘let’s go and Export Design!’
‘EU4Business: Connecting Companies’ is managed by EUROCHAMBRES and funded under the EU4Business initiative of the European Union.