Nordic Place Branding Conference 2018

Nordic Place Branding Conference is the largest annual place branding, marketing and investment promotion event in the Nordics. A one day event organised for private and public professionals working with economic development, communications, talent attraction, investment promotion and tourism. The speaker and participants line-up is getting larger and more international by the year, with 2017 in Helsinki having 150 people from 13 countries.
The agenda covers best practise examples of cities, regions and countries that have done an outstanding and recognised work in making their place more attractive to their target groups and citizens.
The programme is packed with:
- Global best practices – Singapore, Barcelona, Copenhagen, The New York Times and the e-residency of Estonia,
- Nordic innovators – Træna of Norway, Hallifornia festival and Helsingborg of Sweden, rebranding Greenland, Kotka of Finland, Greenland and – last but not least – the common branding programme of the Nordic region.
To read more, click here.
Photo: Screenshot of NPBC webpage.