Workshop “Colour, branding and communication” Feb 4-5

TIME: 04.02.2019 kell 10.00-17.00
PLACE: Tallinn Creative Incubator, 3rd floor.
Colour has been known to have a powerful psychological impact on people’s behavior and decisions. It can often be the sole reason someone gets interested in a brand or purchases a product. In a survey, 93 percent of buyers said they focus on visual appearance, and close to 85 percent claim colour is a primary reason when they make a purchase.
The workshop will be held on 2 days, including both theory and practice. The workshop will be followed by one to one mentoring each day from 15:00 to 17:00. For one to one mentoring please mention it in comments while registering. Registration is valid for 2 days participation only.
Maximum 25 participants.
04.02.2019 – Design and colour trend basics
Colour as communication tool.
What makes a trend?
- Product Trends & Seasonality
- Market Trends
- Macro Trends
05.02.2019 – Colour as a brand driver
Workshop learning focus on the individuals’ enterprise or business idea & mission. Exploring the potential to use colour.
- to communicate product
- amplify a business mission to its market
- clarify and communicate business goals
Workshop is delivered by Jill Tattersell and Mo Tomaney from Wise Birds Network Ltd. UK. Further information about Wise Birds Network is available
More information HERE.