EUSBSR Flagship Project Balticlab 2.0 CALL for applications
The programme is a unique project development programme organised with the Council for the Baltic Sea States. Applications can be sent up until 8 November.The aim of Balticlab 2.0 is to bring young creative minds from the Baltic Sea region together into once space to explore new perspectives and sources of inspiration in the region. By providing opportunities for interdisciplinary talented individuals to network and come up with joint collaborations in the region, the aim is to support their personal development as well as see their increased engagement in improving the region.
The initiative is seeking talented and creative young (23-33 years of age) individuals residing in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia or Sweden. It is aspired to create a good and creative mix of individuals – this year including also people with an already established interest in territorial cooperation.
So, in addition to artists, designers, entrepreneurs and creative industry professionals this year the organisers are seeking also individuals that perhaps are working at a government agency, local or regional authority or in some type of NGO engaged in Baltic Sea Region cooperation. They may be employed at your agency or some agency/organisation in your network.
Balticlab 2.0 will kick off with a Networking Weekend in Stockholm on 13-15 December 2013 and will be followed by another round of Balticlab Project Development Programme from February to May 2014 with a smaller selected group from the Balticlab 2.0 Networking Weekend.