From idea to prototype

19. märts, 2014

urlOn the first week of March a seminar with an intriguing title: People-Friendly Service Culture took place in Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. It was lead by service design specialist, Sharyn Farnan from the UK. Together with the cultural management students from EAMT, students from other creative universities, practitioners from cultural organizations, creative entrepreneurs and a group of cultural management students from Saint-Petersbourg took part.

In two days students moved from ideas around new services to making service prototypes. These were made by using anything they could find lying around such as garbage bags to lego. They introduced the ideas to the potential target group and presented them in the form of short movies, which the students produced themselves.

All in all four teams emerged and are eager to bring these new services to life:

Homedome – an oasis of peace and quite in the middle of a busy urban area

WEalthy – cooperation project targeted at communities and neighbours

Minegarden – reviving the boring studying environment for children

Multitalents – brings ideas home campaign, inspired by the “Talents home” project

One of the participants says:

In Summer time I deal with accommodation and entertainment for clients in Muhu island. I have my own ideas about some services to provide in Muhu and now I know exactly what I should do with these ideas next. In this seminar I chose a theme of multiculturalism, and I liked how our team worked on solutions for this subject. Finally we created a product: a website for Multicultural Talents! What else can we do during two short days 🙂 we did the maximum, I think.

Sharyn`s lecture was also the opening event of new international development project of cultural management programme – MAPSI (Erasmus LLP). The project focuses on the social impact of arts and culture and connections to the society. Next big event of the project will take place in August in Sibelius Academy (Finland) in form of Summer Academy.


Cultural Management:

Sharyn Farnan`s company: