Garage48 Tallinn Music Warmup Kicks Off Monthly Pitching, Mentoring And Networking Events

March 7 at 5PM at Garage48 Startup HUB will be filled with fun loving people! Garage48 Tallinn Music 2012 focuses on applications in music and entertainment industry, but welcomes also other ideas. Together with Tallinn Music Week we have achieved connection with great names in global music scene and will bring international mentors in. 5 teams get possibility to pitch at the big Tallinn Music Week Conference in front of 300 international industry professionals
Warmup event is for anybody interested to attend Garage48 Tallinn Music 2012 event as source (coder, marketer, designer or as entrepreneur) or with your own idea.
We have seen that taking part of the warmup events: pitching, getting feedback from the mentors and fine-tuning your concept and pitch increases your chance to get it right at the final event and get team together. After all, other people at the event are the ones choosing the idea, which will be implemented and you have only 90 sec on Friday evening to make your idea clear and attractive to others.
Without having your own idea, but getting to know the ideas and other participants before the final event is also useful, as it helps you to make better decisions, which teams to join.
Shortly, if you have signed up for Garage48 Tallinn Music or you hesitate, come to the Warmup. Be there on March 7 starting at 5PM at Garage48 Startup HUB. RSVP for the Facebook event and send e-mail, if you would like to pitch and get mentors feedback.