ICT Research and Innovation for Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage: Horizon 2020 Information and Networking Day

14. jaanuar, 2014

ECThis event takes place in Luxembourg on the 23th of January and addresses potential applicants for the first Calls under Horizon 2020 in the fields of ICT research & innovation supporting the Cultural and Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage. 

The information day aims at helping participants to better understand the work programme and criteria for the evaluation of proposals, to facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences, and to meet potential partners for project consortia. Please note that the agenda will be focused on the topics mentioned. If you are interested in Horizon 2020 in general, in guidelines for funding applications or financial procedures, you might be better served by attending a national launch event (see Horizon 2020 list of events).


Participation to the event is free of charge, but travel and accommodation costs are to be borne by delegates. Please note that the European Commission does not issue any personal invitations to this event, nor provide support with visa applications.

In line with the security rules, only registered participants can access the conference centre. Please fill in the registration form which will be available until 15 January.

See the program and tems of particpation here: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/creativity/call1-infoday_en.html