Open Call for animators, animated film makers, film students and amateur filmmakers interested in animated films

08. august, 2013

The Animation Film Festival Klõps!2013 is announcing an open call for animated films about intercultural dialogue. We expect young animated film makers to send us their films on a predetermined topic to be screened during the film festival in October as a part of the festival programme. 


What’s it about? 

The animations should be touching the issue of crossing the barrier between different cultures, whereas a culture does not have to necessarily be defined as a national culture. The project invites young filmmakers to investigate the interesting differences between languages (including art and film languages, for example), ethnicities, subcultures, and to embrace the reality of the cultural diversity we live in. 

We also wish to explore as an example the divide in Estonia between the traditionally Estonian speaking and Russian speaking communities, to better illustrate the bridges that can divide or join even in relatively small communities such as Estonia. 

What do I get out of it? 

The animated films sent to us will be screened publicly during Klõps!2013 as a part of the festival programme. (A selection will be made if the overall duration of the films sent to us exceeds the length of the screening sessions.) As a young filmmaker, this gives you a chance to be exposed to the general public as well as professional filmmakers and film producers interested in employing young and fresh artists. 

Of course, the filmmakers who send us their films acquire a free pass to all of the festival film sessions, which feature animated films from Estonia and other countries in Europe. 

What are the requirements? 

 The film has to be an animation (at least partly) 

 The film has to be connected to the issue of intercultural dialogue. Note that the meaning of a culture and dialogue is yours to interpret 

The length, language, or production date of the animated film is not determinate 

Please send the links to your animated films (previously uploaded to Youtube, Vimeo, etc) to the e-mail address before September 22th 2013

Feel free to contact this address as well with any questions or collaboration proposals. 

A more detailed open call with the festival programme will be announced in early September. 

For more information, visit us on Facebook: 

The Animation Film Festival Klõps!2013 is supported by Estonian National Agency for Youth in Action Programme, Archimedes Foundation. 

 Animation Film Festival Klõps!2013 October 4th–6th, 2013 Tartu, Estonia