PESA products are displayed in exhibitions aroud Estonia
In June 2013 the second group of graduates from the virtual product development accelerator PESA exhibited their projects in Estonian Design House. The exhibition will travel to biggest Estonian towns during summer, displaying innovative products in Pärnu, Viljandi and Tartu.
PESA is a unique virtual product development program launched by Creative Estonia in 2011 aiming to support the development of creative design products. PESA program extends the attainments of the participants in the fields of entrepreneurship, product development, marketing, management, and finances. The trainings were led by professional educators and all participants had access to expert consultancy during the whole process.
“PESA is a 9month program featuring maximum 20 projects per year. The first 16 products of the pilot project graduated in 2012, of which many are successfully selling today,” added Eva Leemet, the CEO of Creative Estonia.
During the second year of PESA 12 products such as design furniture, tableware, curtains, bed linen, footwear etc were developed. One of the projects is a social enterprise that employs people with disabilities to manufacture paper bags.
The projects of PESA 2013:, Linnupette Lusikad, Wilderness Dreams, Goldmerk, MAKU, Kiriline, KAAL Disain, Projekt 0.72, E. Strauss, Nutikas Eesti Asi, Kontuur, Suzani.
The exhibition can be visited in Pärnu Visiting Centre (Uus 4) 8-21 July, Viljandi Academy of Culture (Posti 1) 24. July – 7. August and Tartu Creative Centre (Kalevi 17) 15- 30. August.
The applications for participation in the upcoming year’s program can be submitted until the 6th of September on