Production and promotion of films and drama series in Estonia

15. mai, 2013

nordic-look-logo-bwSeminar “Production and promotion of films and drama series in Estonia” takes place on 7 & 8 June 2013 in Estonia (Tallinn and Eastern Estonia).


The aim of the expert seminar is to introduce the best practices and cooperation opportunities in Nordic and Estonian film production as well as offer a match-making possibility for the Nordic and Estonian film makers.

The seminar and study visit are part of the creative industries event series Nordic Look in Estonia which this year focuses on film industry. The event is powered by and co-financed by Estonian Film Industry Cluster and European Union Regional Development Fund.
The expert seminar on 7 June in Tallinn will focus on:
– Film production in Estonia including trends in the film sector, technologies and demands;
– Best practices of Nordic drama series;
– Financing and co-financing models and mechanisms in the modern Nordic film production.

The seminar and study visit to Eastern Estonia on 8 June will hopefully increase the cooperation between the Nordic and Baltic film producers; contribute to further invigorating the film industry in the region and present new opportunities for more efficient production.

The project is targeting Nordic film and video production companies, Estonian film production companies and support service companies.
R.S.V.P. latest on 27 May 2013 at