Tallinn Music Week: 2009 on olnud Eesti muusika jaoks hea aasta!

15. detsember, 2009
Tallinn Music Week vol. 2 toimub 25-27 märtsil 2010!
On aeg võtta kokku Tallinn Music Weekil üles astunud Eesti bändide tegemised rahvusvahelisel areenil.

Üheks positiivseks üllatajaks ja edubändiks kujunes esimese Tallinn Music Weeki raames Viljandi Folgi skenest välja kasvanud, eesti ja balkani rütme trombooni ja hoogsa rokk-showga miksiv temperamentne Svjata Vatra, kelle väliskülalised tabavalt „eesti Gogol Bordelloks“ nimetasid. Svjata Vatral on Tallinn Music Weeki tulemusena seljataga suvine esinemine Ida-Euroopa suurima festivali Sziget tütarfestivalil FelSziget Rumeenias, millele järgnes kontserttuur Karpaatides. Nii Svjata Vatra kui ka teine TMW väliskülaliste favoriidiks kujunenud bänd Kirtana Rasa, kes esitab hüpnootilist ja meditatiivset india-mõjutustega muusikat, on kutsutud esinema Euroopa hetkel olulisemale uute bändide showcase-festivalile EuroSonic Hollandis. Just sellelt festivalilt on saanud hoo sisse näiteks Franz Ferdinandi, White Lies’i ja Lykke Li edukad karjäärid. EuroSonic teeb tihedat koostööd EBU (European Broadcasting Union) raadiotega Euroopas ning festivali aktiivseks partneriks Eestis on Raadio 2.
Lisaks antakse EuroSonicul üle European Border Breakers Award, mille nominendiks on sel aastal ka Kerli. Svjata Vatra ja Kirtana Rasa esinevad festivalil EuroSonic 15. jaanuaril, Groningeni linna ühes mainekamas kontserdikohas Grand Theatre. http://www.noorderslag.nl/en/festival/artists/

Põhjamaiselt karge duo UMA (Aleksei Saks ja Robert Jürjendal) esinemine 14. novembril Euroopa ühe mainekama jazzifestivali London Jazz Festival kavas on jazzimaailmas lausa märgilise tähendusega. Festivali legendaarne peakorraldaja John Cumming märkas UMAt siinsamas Tallinnas ja on huvitatud ka edaspidi Eesti muusikat oma festivali kavas esitlema.

Ulatuslikel välis-kontserttuuridel õnnestus sel aastal käia Metsatöllul ning Talbotil, Soomes Summer of Rock festivalil astusid üles Kosmikud. MTV Eesti toetusel pääses Leedu suurimale festivalile Be2Gether esinema Chungin & the Strap-On Faggots.

TMW partneri Skype poolt välja pandud „Skype’s Go Change the World“ auhinna pälvinud Popidiot tegi toetuse abil oma esimese muusikavideo, mis tõi MTV Baltikumi FRESH (nädala kõrgeim rotatsioon) tiitli ning püsis ligi pool aastat MTV Balti TOP 20 ja World Chart Express edetabeleis. Ühtlasi oli Popidiot koos Chungin & The Strap-On Faggotsiga üks MTV Baltikumi Parima Balti Artisti nominentidest tänavustel MTV Euroopa Muusikaauhindadel. Novembris valiti Popidiot ka Põhjamaade muusikat tutvustava veebsaidi NMO nädala artistiks. Popidioti plaat on saadaval ka Skandinaavias, soome plaadifirma Stupido plaadipoe kaudu. Vaata Popidioti „Hanging on Friday“ videot: http://www.myspace.com/popidiot

Legendaarne indie-punk bänd Röövel Ööbik sõlmis litsentsilepingu maailma ühe suurima plaadifirma Universal Baltikumi esindusega. Röövel Ööbiku seitsmenda kauamängiva „Ringrada“ avasingli “Kids’ Stuff Rokk” promovideo pälvis MTV Baltikumi FRESH auhinna ning püsis nädalaid MTV Balti TOP 20 ning MTV World Chart Express edetabelite esikohal.

Lisaks bändide tegemistele osales Tallinn Music Week kui Euroopas tähelepanu äratanud uus ja värske muusikafestival nõustajana Austria muusikanädala asutamisel Viinis.

Tallinn Music Week vol. 2 toimub 25-27 märtsil 2010!

Seniks kutsume kõiki üles hääletama Raadio2 Aastahitt valimisel, et 2009 hitiks saaks lugu, mis oleks Eesti muusikale sedavõrd eduka aasta vääriline! http://r2.err.ee/aastahitt/

Esimese Tallinn Music Week faktid:
3 ööd
10 lava
65 bändi
Seminaripaneelid kahel päeval
300 delegaati
100 välisdelegaati
4000 klubikülastust
27 000 veebikülastust 56 riigist
100% positiivne kajastus välisajakirjanikelt

Tallinn Music Week tänab:
-festivali korralduses kaasa löönud organisatsioone:
Jazzkaar, Rabarock, Pärimusmuusika Keskus, Elwood Music, Nailboard Records, Hard Rock Laager, Rampade Org, festival Hea Uus Heli, MTV Eesti, One Sense Music, Sailinvest – Sea the Future.

-toetajaid ja partnereid:
Tallinn2011, Nordic Hotel Forum, Skype, EAS, Innovatsiooniaasta, Kultuurkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, Estonian Air, Vikingline, Hansabuss, Eventech, RGB, Plektrum, Velvet, Raadio2, ETV, Postimees, MTV, Rada7

-festivali visuaalse identiteedi loojaid:
Jaanus Tamme ja Uku-Kristjan Küttis

Helen Sildna
Musiccase OÜ
Tallinn Music Week

Kommentaare delegaatidelt:

Robert Meijerink, artist booker for EuroSonic:
I discovered some acts who definitely will fit into EuroSonic. The general standard was higher then expected. From good singer songwriters, folk/roots acts to original electronic pop/punk acts. Tallinn is a beautiful place to take dive into the Estonian music scene. Great venues, warm atmosphere in a beautiful surrounding. The Tallinn Music Week has a huge potential to become the ultimate platform and gate to the Estonian and maybe the Baltic music scene.

Paulina Ahokas, director of Finnish Music Export:
Tallinn Music Week was a really efficient way to get an overview of what is going on in the Estonian music scene, see some of the potential artists, meet with their representatives and discuss future opportunities. I saw a few bands I really liked, such as Popidiot and Kirtana Rasa, which I was totally unaware of beforehand. I believe they have strong potential in various markets if their representatives are active and seize the opportunity this platform has offered. This event also made me realize what an amazing talent pool and enthusiastic atmosphere there is in Estonia, and I am convinced the event will even further activate local co-operation and ambition – and both of these indeed are needed for international work: it is a lot of hard work! Tallinn Music Week staff did an amazing job, and I am looking forward to the next edition!

Vegard Waske, artist manager and programmer of By:Larm Festival (Norway)
I am impressed and shocked with what the TMW organizers have managed to pull off in so short time – this is far from what you could and should expect from a first time event. Very good venues and sound-systems, interesting seminars and just an exciting and inspiring event. The enthusiasm of the audience and the general quality of the music tells me TMW might be THE place very soon for those who search for new unexplored talent. I came to Estonia and knew very little of Estonian music and what I saw and heard had a generally good quality level. Its hard to pick one or two acts that stood out as highlights – but I am sure one or more of them will turn into great highlights as they develop and is eager to follow the development.

Paul Cheetham, Clockwork Music Management / The Nordic Music Office (The NMO)
Tallinn Music Week was probably the best possible way to introduce Estonian music and companies to the outside world. It was organised to near perfection by people who obviously have a promoter’s eye for detail. The environment for the international delegates was comfortable, unique, and invigorating.  The sheer beauty and good taste of the city of Tallinn itself is a huge selling point in the future of developing this event in to a European-wide, or even a world-wide, event. The strong aspects of the event were the quality of the venues, the active audiences and the diversity of the acts on display. Without any doubt at all I think this event will help the music business to grow. I have been based in Helsinki for the last ten years and have seen the way that the business grew there very rapidly once international attention was finally received. The Music Export office was set up to take advantage of this and has been very effective in finding brilliant opportunities for artists and companies to develop their experience and contacts around the world at events like SXSW, Popkomm and Midem. It is essential, though, that the Estonian people, musicians, politicians and companies understand that this first event is only the beginning of all that. It must continue to develop and offer the same excellent services and artists year after year. Eventually there will be one Estonian artist that breaks in the same way that HIM or The Rasmus did and then international companies will come to Estonia looking for more. It is important that Estonia is ready for that when it comes.  It is probably the case that the first artists that find success and attention abroad will need to have guidance from non-Estonian companies but it is clear there are young, smart and ambitious people in Estonia who can learn from these internationals and become the next generation of managers, labels and business people who can operate on a global level. On the evidence of this inaugural event I have no hesitation in recommending it to others in the business and I would say that the future of Estonian music is very bright indeed. I can’t wait to come back for more.

Jorma Sarv, Kultuuriministeerium
Tallinn Music Week on kahtlemata tähelepanuväärne ettevõtmine eesti muusika laiemaks tutvustamiseks. Seni on kohaliku pop- ja rockmuusika välismaale turundamise juures osutunud küllalt suureks probleemiks just see, et valdkonnas pole olnud piisavalt ühiseid ettevõtmisi ja ühist huvi väljendavaid kokkuleppeid. Tallinn Music Weeki korraldajad suutsid tuua ühe ürituse raamidesse kaaluka osa sellest, mida meil pakkuda on, see loob ka välismaiste festivalide promootoritele ja muusikaekspordi juhtidele parema võimaluse ennast siinsete asjadega kurssi viia. Loomulikult ei saa see olla ühekordne kampaania ning nagu seminaridel kõlanud arvamustestki kuulda oli, on meil veel palju teha. Samas on hea meel selle üle, et suudeti korraldada korralikul tasemel sündmus, edasisteks ettevõtmisteks on nüüd korralik lähtekoht olemas.