Travel allowances for Nordic participants to NordMatch 28-29 January
NordMatch is a Nordic-Baltic encounter for cultural managers, agents, artists and other professionals facilitating culture and cross-sector cooperation. We have good news for participants from the Nordic countries. The Nordic Culture Fund has granted a travel allowance for NordMatch participants from Denmark, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Norway and Sweden.
If you are interested, send us an email asap to with a short presentation of yourself, and your contact details. After confirmation from us, please sign up on Travel allowances range from 200 to 1300 euros, depending on the country. First come, first served.
Get inspired by these case presentations from the Nordic and Baltic countries:
· Culture Score Card – How sure can you be about your project’s success?, Lennart von Haffner (DK)
· Cross-sectoral Cooperation and Artist in Residence at Seanse, Marit Ulvund and Karstein Solli (NO)
· JūHū – Designed to empower, Elīna Bušmane and Charles Bourrier (LV)
· SMart Cooperation at Intercult, Ida Burén (SE)
· Architecture Forming Society, Veronika Valk (EE)
· Biophilia – Connecting Music and Science, Guðrún Bachmann (IS)
· Social Circus – Good practices and study methods, Sofia-Charlotta Kakko (FI)
· Vilnius Film Cluster – A story of cooperation, Kestas Drazdauskas (LT)
Moderator: Lisa Sounio
More information on the themes and speakers at
Refining project ideas
NordMatch isn’t only about being inspired by others, it´s also about getting a bit further with your own project idea. In small groups, so called advisory rings, you can present your idea and get boosted by others. This method offers everyone in the group equal time for presentation and for receiving tips and help from others.
Workshop on pitching
You’ve got a good idea and now you need to convince financiers that it’s a project worth supporting. In the pitching workshop you’ll learn how to sell your idea in a short presentation, a so called pitch or elevator speech.
Pitching for a panel of experts
Project ideas will be pitched to a panel with representatives from Nordic funding agencies, a crowdfunding platform and a business angel. Individual feedback is given to every pitched project idea.
At the party you´ll have time to mingle and get to know your fellow participants. And also broaden your network while enjoying food and music
Study visits and network meetings
During NordMatch you can take part in Study visits and network meetings. Information on the visits and meetings will be available on the NordMatch blog by the end of November.
Conference fee: 40 euro/20 euro students
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NordMatch2014 brochure: